Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Paying it Forward on Thanksgiving

OK, so a funny thing happened to me out in the blogosphere today: I was surfing around my favorite blogs in Bloglines I happened upon Liz's blog Athena Dreams. Now, I've always liked "Athena's" knitting. She's a very talented lady, dontcha know.

Well, she had a post about Paying it Forward. I thought to myself, "Self, that's a wonderful idea, but she's already got her 4 people." or so it seemed to me. I posted a comment on her blog that said something about ... "well, I'm not 1st, 2nd ,3rd or even 4th, but I love this idea and I've always loved your blog. (blather, blather, gush, gush) "

Guess what, I got a reply from her! She said I was 4th and that now it's my turn! So I sent her my address and her I am, paying it forward.

Here's the basic principle. I want to pay it forward for all the blessings I've gotten. I could wax poetic about all the women who've come before me who have enabled me to have my own career, the right to vote, and the luxury to choose sides on any number of political topics. But I'd rather talk about the more practical things I'm thankful for.

I am thankful for my wonderful husband who has supported me in so many ways since we met more than 7 years ago now. He is a true blessing. (Even if I do occasionally want to reach for the frying pan to clunk him over the head. Trust me the feeling is mutual. Love and clunking. It's a good thing.)

I am thankful for my family. Though they drive me crazy sometimes, I know I could have gotten much worse in the cosmic draw.

I am thankful for the second chance that we've had this week with our wonderful little kitty Magnus. He's very sick and I'm not sure he's going to last very long. But I prayed, yes, I prayed and some of my Dear Friends prayed (or sent good thoughts to the cosmos) and we get a second chance. I am thankful for this and for all our dear furry friends.

And speaking of friends, I am thankful for all my wonderful human type friends, both the Fiber Fanatics and the "Regular Folk". (Don't worry, that Fiber thing generally isn't contaigous...) Thank you all for being a part of my life.

The roof over my head, the wonderful career I have, the plentiful bounty available to us here in the US of A (yes, that, too is quite a blessing) and let us not forget the blessing of indoor plumbing and central heat and A/C while we're at it!

So, here's my plan (which I conveniently borrowed from Liz). For the first three people who respond to this post who are not my Mom (sorry Mom! But she gets knit stuff from me anyway); I will send you a hand-knitted item. I'm not sure what or exactly when but I can guarantee this: sometime in the next 365 days you will recieve a package via snail mail with a hand knitted item from me as a thank you for all the blessings I have recieved in my life.

Happy Turkey Day!

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Blogger Alyssa said...

Oooh, handknit by Jen! Can I be one of your three?

It is great how much we can all be thankful for in our everyday lives. So happy to hear Magnus is doing well. Have a very happy Turkey Day!

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm number 2! LOL - if you have others that you need to go before me....let them!

4:40 PM  
Blogger MargaretS said...

OK, because I'm Mom, I guess I'm number 2a. Someone else can be number 3. But I certainly ready to pay it forward. I am so blessed I can barely speak and those who know me can be appropriately impressed.

I too am so grateful for Magnus's recovery. At least we have him for some time longer.

Love you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your mom is 2a, can I be number 3?

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen - only 4 people have commented on your sage thoughts?! Glad to hear a slice of your life as you & the family are always in our prayers.
At my brother's on Thanksgiving, we gained a new house mate--courtesy of him telling the kids, "Hey, if you find the kitten, you can keep it!" aaaack! so cute, though!

11:48 AM  

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